Press Voices

Sportswear International - Trends Re-Everything
Launched in 2017, Blue of a Kind was born from an intuition of Fabrizio Consoli, a longtime insider of the Italian fashion business.
By constantly searching and buying vintage second hand jeans he started thinking that each denim garment could start a new life by simply being cut and transformed into a complete new item... Rivet - Blue of a Kind Combines Upcycled Denim With Handmade Italian Craftsmanship
Blue of a Kind’s unofficial catchphrase is “The product with the lowest impact on the environment is the one that already exists.”
This Italian denim brand, located in downtown Milan, specializes in creating new and interesting styles out of the old and discarded, sourcing all of its denim from vintage stock to create one-of-a-kind, handmade jeans.

Fashion Magazine - Anche nel mondo del lusso la parola d'ordine è disruption
Come modernizzare il business model nel mondo del lusso, dove rinnovamento è una parola sempre più determinante, che chiama in causa in primo luogo la digitalizzazione? Di questo si è discusso nel secondo panel della Ceo Roundtable di Fashion, in cui è emerso il valore fondamentale della disruption.